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Site: http://www.learnbits.me/
Learnbits.me / LearnBits - is a private torrent tracker for e-learning. Previously it was known under the name of ScienceHD, now it has become a new home for Science tracker content and users. The majority of its content is educational and informative videos, including HD videos. Learnbits holds its rightful place among e-learning torrent trackers, it offers tens of thousands of torrents related to the most popular categories. Here you can find educational videos on IT and networking, business and medicine, web design and commerce, security and management, and much more. Many users try to get the most cherished pair – a LearnBits account and a Bibliotik invite, in order to have access to the best eBook library and the largest database of educational videos.

Lernbits.net tracker has been working since 2008. About 15 thousand users and almost as many unique torrents are registered in the application. Despite rather low statistics, the tracker is in no hurry to open its doors and allows registration only by means of invites. This educational resource covers a huge number of categories listed above, as well as many excellent e-books, guides, instructions, documentary video channels.

It's quite easy to maintain ratings. Many torrents are marked as Freeleech and can be used without downgrading. The system of loyalty points has been implemented on the tracker, so you can buy additional GB to the quantity of your downloads. If you get a Learnbits account, you can find an interesting video at any time, not only for knowledge acquisition, but also just for a good rest. There you can download educational TV shows torrents of such documentary channels as Discovery, BBC, NationalGeo. You can find videos from such categories as architecture, biography, culture, cooking. In other words, buying an invite to private tracker Learnbits.net will help you to save time that you would need for searching for the required content in open sources.
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Last reviews
8 February 2025 08:07
Invite BTN do you have? Not shared with pass & mail...
12 January 2025 01:04
Super! Got an invite and joined this great tracker. Luxus!...
2 December 2024 00:15
I bought a buffered account. It works fine....